Different types of flames in gas welding [with Pdf]

Today we will discuss the types of flames in gas welding. Gas welding can use different gases including Oxy-Acetylene, Oxy-Hydrogen, etc. Here we will discuss the widely used Oxy-Acetylene flame.

Gas welding torch and flame

As per the quantity of oxygen and acetylene used, gas welding flames can be classified into three types: Neutral flame, Carburizing flame, Oxidizing flame.

Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

Neutral Flame:

NEUTRAL FLAME in gas welding

If the flame contains acetylene and oxygen in an equal quantity, this flame is known as the neutral flame.

This flame consists of a white-colored inner cone with a temperature of approximately 3200 °c and a blue-colored outer envelope with a temperature between a range of 1200°c to 1300 °c.

Due to the balanced chemical reaction & pure burning, this flame generates less smoke & sparkle.

Neutral flame doesn’t make any reaction on materials during application. It is used for aluminum, stainless steel, mild steel, and cast iron.

Carburizing Flame:

CARBURIZING FLAME in gas welding

When the flame contains more acetylene and less oxygen, the flame is known as a carburizing flame. It is also known as reducing flame.

The carburizing flame consists of a white color inner cone, a red color intermediate cone (also known as acetylene feather), and a large blue color outer envelope.

The white-colored inner cone has a temperature of approximately 2900 °c while the blue outer envelope has a temperature between a range of 1600°c to 1800 °c.

The additional red color intermediate cone is due to the more acetylene quantity. Due to more carbon contained, this flame chemically reacts with metal and forms metal carbide.

Carburizing flame is used on the following materials:- Nickel, medium carbon steel, etc.

Oxidizing Flame:

OXIDIZING FLAME in gas welding

When the flame contains more oxygen and less acetylene, this flame is known as an oxidizing flame.

This flame consists of a white-colored pointed and small inner cone that has a temperature of approximately around 3300 °c and a sharp blue-colored outer envelope that has a temperature between a range of 2200°c to 2500 °c.

Oxidizing flame is used on materials like brass.

Pratik is a Graduated Mechanical engineer. He enjoys sharing the engineering knowledge learned by him with people.

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